Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Freedom From Sin and of Letting It Go- A Poem

I had to let you go
Your desires cost me more than I could ever know
Yet you still call to me with a whisper in the ear
Every corner that I turn I feel you oh so near
My mind habitually worked against me when it relished in your touch
Your scent drove me wild, your gaze made me smile; you became to me a crutch
You held me in your bosom and softly spoke of what could be
You gave me the grandest of thoughts, of visions of clarity
My heart raced and it pranced with a joy that seemed unfailing
Blinded to the pain that came with you- the debt that would be trailing
Yet as the sun repelled on the hottest of days
My Lord showed me your intentions and the doom of your ways
You lied to me about pain; you said there’d be none
For a moment I felt alive and in a twinkle it was gone
You made me bitter and tore my heart into pieces
And then you lied again, soft words and the pain releases
I turned from my Lord because you called to my desire
But when I came to your beckoning, I saw you standing with the "Liar"
But my Lord full of mercy followed me to your indwelling
And while you made a mockery of me, and beat me with your yelling
He snatched me from your grasp as you lay the barrage of whips
And took the consign of my penalty as He lay upon the sticks
And so you killed him with a fervor and tenacity meant solely for the hated
You poured out your wickedness on Him, you stood there and you waited
You mused and you glistened at your triumph with delight
You knew He was the King of Glory, You knew He was the light
And all the little words you sang to me oh how it was sublime
Melted away my heart’s contentment for the one you killed was mine
As sorrow replaced my joy, what now of its significance
I see truly what you used me for, exacting out his vengeance
Your father was a liar and that from the beginning
You failed to see my God arise for His desire made the ending
You failed to see His zeal of hatred I know HE has for you
The God of glory, the bright and morning, declared what He would do
And that’s to take what is His, the Father’s shaming you to hell
Where you’ll scream and cry, whilst you beg and wry in the place that you befell
He has saved me now, from sin and death and given life abundantly
The Alpha and Omega, I AM that I AM, the Light of Majesty
Faithful and True, the King of Kings, His name is El Shaddai,
Blessed Redeemer, Jesus the Savior, The Lord God Adonai!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dear Sin:

I had to let you go

Your desires cost me more than I could ever know

Yet you still call to me with a whisper in the ear

Every corner that I turn I feel you oh so near

My mind habitually worked against me when it relished in your touch

Your scent drove me wild, your gaze made me smile, you became to me a crutch

You held me in your bosom and softly spoke of what could be

You gave me the grandest of thoughts, of visions of clarity

My heart raced and it pranced with a joy that seemed unfailing

Blinded to the pain that came with you- the debt that would be trailing

Yet as the sun repelled on the hottest of days

My Lord showed me your intentions and the doom of your ways

You lied to me about pain, you said there’d be none

For a moment I felt alive and in a twinkle it was gone

You made me bitter and tore my heart into pieces

And then you lied again, soft words and the pain releases

I turned from my Lord because you called to my desire

But when I came to your beckoning, I saw you standing with the liar

But my Lord full of mercy followed me to your indwelling

And while you made a mockery of me, and beat me with your yelling

He snatched me from your grasp as you lay the barrage of whips

And took the consign of my penalty as He lay upon the sticks

And so you killed him with a fervor and tenacity meant solely for the hated

you poured out your wickedness on Him, you stood there and you waited

You mused and you glistened at your triumph with delight

You knew He was the King of Glory, You knew He was the light

And all the little words you sang to me oh how it was sublime

Melted away my heart’s contentment for the one you killed was mine

As sorrow replaced my joy, what now of its significance

I see truly what you used me for, exacting out his vengeance

Your father was a liar and that from the beginning

You failed to see my God arise for His desire made the ending

You failed to see His zeal of hatred I know HE has for you

The God of glory, the bright and morning, declared what He would do

And that’s to take what is His, the Father’s calling to shame you into hell

Where you’ll scream and cry, whilst you beg and wry in the place that you befell

He has saved me now, from sin and death and given life abundantly

The Alpha and Omega, I AM that I AM, the Light of Majesty

Faithful and True, the King of Kings, His name is El Shaddai,

Blessed Redeemer, Jesus the Savior, The Lord God Adonai!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Homosexual Attack Against the Church

The Church is in a bitter battle with the world. With the gay marriage debate the homosexuals will use any and everything that they can think of to sway people into their way of thinking. And let's be honest, the homosexual community doesn't really want marriage, it wants:

                             TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE GAY LIFESTYLE

To gain this, the lgbt's are taking the "Snake and Eve" route. A posting @ the ROOT
takes just that stance. The author John McWhorter essentially takes the Bible and says, "you shall not surely die..." Case in point, McWhorter's main argument is that since the Bible was used to promote racism and slavery and that since both have been deemed to be wrong, then the Bible must also be wrong about homosexuality. From what I gather, Mr. Whorter would feel just fine removing the Bible totally from the scene (specifically the Black community) to justify homosexuality. Yet Mr. Whorter is wrong on several fronts (well just about everything he said was plain wrong).

1. True Bible-believing Christians do not endorse Homophobia. Just because we do not agree with homosexuality does not mean we want to see lgbt's beaten down, drug through the streets or hung off of trees. That idea is totally anti-thetical to practicing Christians.

2. Just because the Bible was misused, abused and raped in order to justify other evil men's desires, does not mean that it is wrongly being used to justify opposition to homosexuality. Remember 1 Cor 6:9-10? The Word specifically says that those who practice homosexuality will not see the kingdom of God. What about 1 Timothy 1:8-11? Again homosexuality is condemned (might I also mention slavery is also condemned here too). And while we are at it, there is an entire list of sins that are condemned before and by God. It doesn't mean that Christians are allowed to passover those either. So why should a concession be made for homosexuals? If a murder took your loved one you would cry for justice (any individual in their right mind would). My point being, we cannot take parts of the Bible that make us feel good, keep them and throw the rest away. Homosexuality is no different than other sins mentioned- they all dishonor the God who has given life to His creation.

3. Quoting the desire of a play based on a false religion does not make it Christian-or even an argument for a Christian. Mr. McWhorter tries to use a cultish religion (Mormonism) to argue against the use of the Bible as a defense for Christians. I'm still trying to figure out what part of his rectum he pulled that line out of....smh

4. Just because someone sins doesn't make it acceptable in the sight of God. (see ref. #2). Mr. McWhorter's story about his "assumably" gay pal tries to make the reader feel like it is wrong for people to hold back their feelings. McWhorter tries to make the case that the only option that should be considered is to just cast every care to the side and run after one's own heart's desire. Yet again, he overlooks the Bible where it says, "the heart is desperately wicked." (Jer 17:9) And just so no one tries to cheapen it, this doesn't just apply to homosexuality, but to all things that cause us to chase after our own desires instead of wanting God.

5. The plight for homosexual marriages and acceptance should never be compared to the plight of African Americans in this country. No one could ever look at an infant and automatically declare that a child is gay. But a black baby could be hated from inception because it was known what it would be (color wise). I am sick and tired of homosexuals claiming to be marginalized when most of them have lucrative careers and live lifestyles that are totally pleasing to them. While I won't disagree that many have faced discrimination (and some violently) it has never been at the level of hatred that blacks in America have faced throughout the years. I have never heard of the clan riding the San Francisco shooting people and burning effigies or crosses on their laws. For those that have been brutalized for their sexuality, I empathize with you. That was wrong. We as a society (pushed on by Christian virtues) have condemned acts of harmful discrimination for ages. But the sexual desire of the homosexual community is just that- a desire. It is a desire that is at odds with the Bible, the God of the Bible and the people who worship that great God.

In the end (no pun intended), the homosexual desire for acceptability and marriage are incompatible with Christian mores- just like every other sin out there. The difference here is that there is a group of people who want to make the sin of homosexuality acceptable- take it out of the Bible as a sin if they could. Yet, truth be told, marriage is a gift from God, between one man and one woman. It was created that way from the beginning when God took the rib from Adam and made it into Eve. That is why the Bible says in Gen 2:24,"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and the two shall become one flesh!" They can only become one flesh because they are missing a part of the other- like pieces to a puzzle that "fit" rightly together. Homosexuality cannot and does not fit within the righteousness of the Bible. Man needs woman and woman needs man. Together in Christ they complete each other. There is no other type of marital union acceptable than what is promulgated by the Bible. So no matter how much the lgbt community wants us to back down, we cannot. No matter how much they try to demonize us for hanging on every Word of the Lord, we will not falter.

And believe it or not, this truly is an attack against the Lord of Hosts Himself. Acceptance of gay marriage will make any biblical stance against it a crime. Just look at Canada , where preachers are fined and put in jail for speaking against homosexuality as a sin.  The Christian community is under attack from those on the outside as well as those fakers on the inside. Most of their words come off trying to make the church feel guilty for her stance. It will change. They will become more violent in time. If they lgbt can succeed in silencing the church on this issue, then the outward church itself will become a thing of the past. There will be no room to argue because our voices will not even be allowed in the room. They will try to indoctrinate our children through public school teachings and will set child against parent. They have already started all of this. All the church needs to do is open her eyes, focus on Christ and pray to our Lord that His will be done.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thoughts On Female Pastors....

I have read the scriptures, I have looked over different articles and writings and I have observed the roles of women (and men) within the church. I am a complimentarian. I believe in the God-given roles of men and women. I have often said that, "a mother cannot be a father nor can a father be a mother." I have said that because we were created to be what God created us to be- either male or a female- a mother or a father. We can't have it both ways (no matter how hard the LGBT's try to persuade the church). A boy can never learn how to be a father by watching a mother. Sure, he can learn certain things about how to treat a woman and how a woman should or shouldn't behave (and I would argue that boys will learn just that- either to disrespect or honor women- from the actions of their mothers) just like a daughter can learn from her father how a man should or shouldn't treat a woman. Yet neither, father or mother, can teach their son or daughter to be something that they themselves are not. That is why we intrinsically know that every boy needs his father and every girl needs her mother. There is an understanding involved, because there are differences involved. And you know what??? Those differences are OK to have.

So all of this leads me to my post title, "Thoughts on Female Pastors." I started with the role of the male/female in the home (or at least that was the point) to show that God has created male and female for certain duties. For the church, the "pastorship" has been relegated to the men. It was a process that occurred in the Old Testament, that God-not man- brought over into the New Covenant. It never meant that women were incapable of performing the said task, it just simply meant/means that it is within the jurisdiction of men. Just like the role of a father is relegated to the man, so is the pastorate. That doesn't mean that a woman cannot lead or teach- in fact Paul says in Titus 2:3 that the older women are to teach the younger women! Gasp! And from a quick glance at society nowadays, that kind of leadership has gone to the wayside as we desperately need godly women teaching the younger women how to be (we need godly men as well- but that's another post). Women should not feel slighted in any way because of their being kept from the pastorate. I don't see men crying out to God that they are upset because they cannot have children the way women can! Crazy comment I know, but it's true. For men the task would be physically impossible. For a woman to step into a male role is a great deal easier- but it doesn't make it right in the sight of God. And for a woman to complain (and egalitarian males as well) that she is being held back from being on par with a man, well your fight is with God. The Lord has made us equal, yet He has still divided the workload of the Christian life. Unfortunately, many of you see what the scriptures say, but still ignore them. The scriptures are ignored because Christians fall into the trap of having to have everything that world has. If there is a woman governor, then by right (supposedly in the name of equality) there must be woman pastor. If there is a woman president, then there must be a woman as the head of a church denomination. You try to justify your refusal to follow what the Apostle spoke of in 1 Timothy 2:12 that "a woman ought to learn in silence and not usurp authority over the male" (paraphrased). Yet you fail to look at the bigger picture. Paul elsewhere commands (in the Lord) that men ought to teach their wives by washing them in the Word. That is the duty of every husband. If a woman takes the authority upon herself to be the teacher, then the male is left without his rightful role. That is outside of the calling that every husband has on his life- his duty even. Now do you get why Paul always goes back to Adam and Eve? Adam failed by not teaching his wife. Eve failed because she took authority. Together they failed to display the glory of God that He had placed on them and we fail today because we refuse to allow God's Word to lead us when our flesh wants to go in the opposite direction. The truth is we all have a part to play in perfecting the church. But if we won't fix the areas we are assigned to first, how can we jump into other areas? Or better yet, how can you take mote out of your brother's eye, yet refuse to remove the beam from your own? Matt 7:3

Now as I say these things, there will be a number of people who will violently spew wrong, hurtful and disrespectful words my way. But I want people to understand what I am saying. I am not saying that a woman will go to hell for pastoring (she'll go to hell for other things that I won't even be aware of- actually, she'll go because even though she may profess Christ on the outside (like many ungodly male pastors), on the inside she is none of His). To make it abundantly clear, I don't believe every female pastor is going to hell. Some will go to heaven- those for whom He died for. Yet, their salvation doesn't make what they are doing right. You can be a Christian and be severely wrong in some of your actions- none of us are perfect and none of us are without sin (not even me and I know this with a passion). Yet, nothing excuses us from doing what is right. Nothing gives us permission to disobey God's Word and grieve the Holy Spirit. And I don't know about you, but when I realize that I have grieved the Holy Spirit that is residing in me I am deathly ashamed....

Just like a neophyte to the Christian religion is not allowed to be a pastor, there are other disqualifiers as well. Being a drunkard, a thief, etc, the outline for the pastorate is written in 1 Timothy 3:2 and in Titus 1:6-9. Now I don't know if I am going to win anyone over to my way of thinking with this post, but my hope is that through honest prayer and reading, the body would come together to glorify God in the manner in which He intends. For those women pastors who may pass through here (highly doubt it), I don't doubt that you are talented enough to preach or teach. But just because you are talented doesn't mean that you are authorized to pastor a congregation. And while I don't believe that you would go to hell for pastoring, it doesn't mean that God is glorified either when excuses are made to exclude certain scriptures from being followed. And if you cannot fully preach the entire bible accurately, what benefit then are you really to the body of Christ? Is it not enough to honor God by teaching the women only? Is it not enough to raise up a godly family? Is it not enough to do simply what He asks? Is it too hard to be the man or woman He created us to be? Or is it simply a desire to have what has been forbidden? Is it right for a woman to follow in the sins of Eve? Will you follow in her footsteps?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Crazy

Today started off pretty rough. Couldn't get up because I was so tired. Then I had to wear 70lbs worth of gear, running and lifting another 200lbs(100 if you include the guy helping me) for about an hour. That was hard on my back. It felt like the world was on my shoulders- but I quickly relaized it was just life. I then had a nice little chat with my wife and son- the broght spot of the day- and then crash. All hell breaks loose again. SO please keep me (and my family) in your prayers. I still believe Christ to be a deliverer...

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