This is to the Glory of God Alone. This blog will contain my thoughts on Christianity-past,present and anything that may concern it. It is here to help better the understanding for those who want to grow in Christ BIBLICALLY! In HIS Name and for HIS Glory, Chermone
Sunday, October 17, 2010
It's Crazy...
Wow, the past few months have been amazingly crazy. I also feel pretty bad about not updating my blog like i wanted to. Pray for me, I am still working through that stupid procrastinating issue. I keep starting new messages, but not finishing them. I have like 10-12 that are about 1/4 of the way done, but then I get an idea for something else as I study and bam, I jump to the next thing. So please forgive me for not updating like I ought to. Add to that the fact that my daughter has left for the ARMY and the issues I have been dealing with at Church and work and well...there goes the day. It amazes me that men like Charles Haddon Spurgeon wrote and preached messages daily, tended to their families and (at least for him) tended to both church issues and magazine editing. Again, all I can say is pray for me...I will get everything worked out and I will contribute more here and elsewhere. God Bless!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them. And as midday passed, they raved on until the time of the offering of the oblation, but there was no voice. No one answered; no one paid attention. (1 Kings 18:28-29)
How often do people in society cry out for their gods with no return? Just as in the days of old, it happens today, history often repeating itself. The priests of Baal did whatever they could to hear a word, a response, anything to prove that their god was real. They yelled and they hurt themselves all to prove that their deaf, dumb and blind idol was god. Children of the world today do the same thing. The difference between then and now is the god they are claiming. Most of the time nowadays people don’t even realize they are worshipping false gods and idols. Look at Christmas for example. When some folk set out to minister the good news of Christ’s birth for His death and resurrection, others are being trampled to death in Wal-mart just to purchase a toy (for an often ungrateful child no less)! The world doesn’t stop there. When it comes to sex and pleasing the flesh, people will commit adulteries and fornications and then run to the abortion clinic to rip an unborn child out of the uterus. Is there not a heinous spilling of blood there? Or what about the thugs on the street or racists around the block who would fight to kill the innocent so that their egos can be inflated and they can claim their cause as just? The Spirit speaking through the Apostle John said, “For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” Does any of this seem familiar? The world thrives on sin, always hoping that it will answer them, but in the end, it only leads to death.
The sinner believes in his or her ways so much that it even seems right to them when they are not answered. Prov. 14:12, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death.” The unsaved can often be so determined to prove their “way” that they will risk eternity for it on a daily basis. All this for a god who can never tell them how much he loves them or how much they disappoint him. Yet, the only true God is the one who answered Elijah on that day. He is the same one who answered Jesus when He was baptized and when He was on the cross. And He is the same one who will answer our needs according to His riches in glory.
As Christians, we can rely on the truth of God’s Word written down in the scriptures. We can be sure that as He has spoken it, He will bring it pass. We have no need to flog ourselves or go wailing about as if He needs us to bleed for each and every little desire we have. Our God is truly the Great God and there is no one else beside Him. The ancient Israelites discovered that time and again and on the day Elijah challenged the priests, those pagans found out as well.
The truth of the matter is that there are no other gods besides the one true and living, Alpha and Omega. There was no answer for the priests of Baal because there was (and is) no god who could ever have spoken to them. Idols are and always will be deaf, dumb and blind. They cannot answer a prayer, they cannot deliver from trouble and they can never show compassion- or wrath. Yet the God of the Hebrews- the God of the Christians- is and will always be in existence. He has given His word and all we need to do is come to it joyfully. The question now is whether you will take Him at His Word or will you cut yourselves to get your god to answer you?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Lecrae's Song to Benefit Haiti
I haven't written in a bit because of everything that has taken place the past month and a half. Base Inspection, studying for my next stripe and trying to maintain a decent family life (although all of it was very hard on them). Now that both the test and the inspection are overwith, I get to start settling down from the 16 hour stretches. I do have some more of the top 10 pulpit moves coming so stand by, there should be a new one out shortly.
In the meantime, a rapper whom I have a great deal of respect for has written a song to benefit the suffering in Haiti. I would encourage you if you have not done something to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, that you take the time. Take the time to donate through your local church or through the RED Cross or some other Christian organization that can help. I am not telling you what to give, that is between you and God. The main thing is that you remember the scriptures that guide us in helping those who need it and right now, Haiti needs help. God bless!
In the meantime, a rapper whom I have a great deal of respect for has written a song to benefit the suffering in Haiti. I would encourage you if you have not done something to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, that you take the time. Take the time to donate through your local church or through the RED Cross or some other Christian organization that can help. I am not telling you what to give, that is between you and God. The main thing is that you remember the scriptures that guide us in helping those who need it and right now, Haiti needs help. God bless!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Top Ten Things That Make Someone a Pulpit-Pimp
Every week I am going to write a short article on “The Top Ten Things that Make Someone a Pulpit-Pimp.” They are in no particular order, so feel free to jump back and forth as necessary. What I do think you should keep in mind though is the fact that everything that comes out of any preacher’s mouth, must be weighted against the Word of God. But how are you - the average church-goer - going to know? You will know what is right from studying the scriptures, praying and listening to sound men of the Gospel. Jesus said in John 10John 10:27
, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me…” His voice is in the Holy Scriptures. So read the articles, watch the clips and go to the Word of God itself and see if what is being said by the thieves and heretics is truth or not!
Up 1st: Disrespecting the Men Chosen to Write the Holy Scriptures

Up 1st: Disrespecting the Men Chosen to Write the Holy Scriptures
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